Unique Sandra
I deep dive and travel the world to get to know and be inspired by other cultures, backgrounds, and mindsets.
Two words sum up my core value: humanity & efficiency. My superpower is to get the best of those seemingly opposing dimensions.
Phedra Clouner, responsible for the Belgian cybersecurity center. I like her authenticity and accessibility, her ability to juggle hard and soft subjects and invest in having an impact. Her journey and her personality inspire me very much. She navigates in a complex male world and steers her boat marvelously well!
"When you see greatness in others, don't rush to compete; collaborate!"
"Caring for others based only on your sacrifice doesn't last. Caring must also feed you." - Dalai Lama.
I want a world where efficiency & humanity are better balanced. Therefore I commit to supporting the leaders who invest in it daily. It's not an easy ride. Stop, think, elevate, wisely choose your battles, and roll up your sleeves to address them. By doing so, we'll achieve profitable sustainability for ourselves, others, and the company. Together we can make a difference in this world.
Humanity & efficiency sums up the sustainability and uniqueness of my approach.
Yes, two people had a direct impact on my career. The first helped me to position my career strategically and to network, in short, to decipher social codes. The second mentor helped me build technical skills in high security and business-critical domain. In short, to interpret the specialized codes of my field.
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." – Dalai Lama.
Our newsletter is about leadership development through business mentoring.