Unique Marc
The adrenaline rush of going the extra mile on his bike, in the water, or while running - after his first quart-triathlon, Marc's got the hang of it. Now, he is training for his next quart-triathlon. With extensive training, his family, and growing his company, there isn't much left for reading alas. The book 'A Promised Land' by B. Obama lies on his coffee table. Marc finds listening to people more fascinating than reading books. True life stories are inspiring, educational and fill him with warmth.
Asked about his hero, Marc replies that he has never had a particular hero. He admires people who push their limits, stay curious, learn a lot, and can reinvent themselves, who are constructive and committed, allergic to the status quo and passivity.
Darwin's "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change" reflects his attitude. "Be happy in life, make something of it, keep reinventing yourself, adapt and make new plans", Marc advises. As the world is upside down now, one can tell who handles change well. Shaking things up is crucial because it forces us to search for the better option.
Young Marc, he'd advise to just do it; everything will work out for the best. Have self-confidence and give confidence to others. Giving and receiving a lot of responsibility is a huge enabler to do great things.
Marc is very grateful for the mentoring he received (and still receives). In a safe atmosphere of allowed vulnerability, this guidance brought insights into his strengths and areas to work on. His listening aptitude, empathy, ability to get to the essence of the matter, situational communication skills, and the fact that he doesn't take himself too seriously make Marc a pleasant and rewarding guide on a mentee's journey towards enlightened leadership.
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