The unique Valerie
'It takes great people to build great companies, says Valerie, and you get great people when they are empowered. Taking people along in a common vision and driving growth together as a team is so much more energizing than managing by numbers. This is what brings Valerie to business mentoring. From her informal mentors, she learned the mental flexibility to always question herself. Having worked mainly in the tech scene with many start- and scale-ups, this questioning mindset proved to be an unmistakable advantage for swift adaption in a rapidly changing complex world.
When she was a young girl, Valerie lived in Saudi-Arabia with her parents and her younger brother. Six years in a French primary school and an ex-pat setting in Riyad has multicolored Valerie's backpack and has certainly contributed to her affluence in leading international teams.
Valerie's social life is vital to her, she loves the Mediterranean kitchen, and she likes to read. She's delighted to see that her son has taken an interest in her collection of classic management books.
To the young Valerie, she'd say to trust her gut feeling and stay open to opportunities. Eventually, all ends well.
Our newsletter is about leadership development through business mentoring.