Unique Tine
One to two hours a day, Tine spends reading books, comics, and newspapers. Her interests are eclectic: historical novels, classics of the world literature, detectives, business & leadership books. 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' made an everlasting impact on her: a person has the choice to shape one's life on doing good or bad. Tine rereads this book every two years to re-evaluate her moral compass: is she still making choices true to her values? Currently, on her nightstand lay Barsh's' Centered leadership,' 'Code of the Samurai' by Cleary, and Linda Hill's 'Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation.'
She is very fond of traveling; she enjoys longer' back to basics' stays in nature to slow down and shorter breaks of cultural infusions, with a deep love for Italy.
Connecting people and resources to progressively improve the world daily motivates Tine. "I want to contribute to lining up the 'little dots of all humans' to form a line and make the difference all together - that is the only way we can change the world for the better, for everybody. 3 Cs help me pursue that purpose: curiosity, communication, community."
Her favorite movie character is MacGyver, eternally optimistic while finding solutions in mission impossible situations, even against all odds. He consciously tries to seek the opportunity rather than the obstacle; he's not afraid to try out & fail and then start over again. MacGyver has a lively imagination of making the world a better place, every day again. Like MacGyver, Tine considers every day as a gift, and every day she is excited about the new adventures to come.
"Don't think outside the box, rather think like there is no box!" Very sensitive to justice, such as people not being included, stigmatized, or their ideas not listened to, Tine is committed to fostering safe spaces where people can express themselves without fear of retaliation. Diversity and inclusion are close to her heart.
Young Tine, she'd advise leading her life with values that matter to her. She learned over time that creating clarity on her moral compass and organizing her life and choices accordingly is the only way that makes sense.
Tine has been fortunate to be surrounded by mentors throughout her career, whom she describes as 'precious road companions.' Some provide a 'rhythmed check-in,' almost like a yearly medical check-up; others offer valuable 'mirroring' on crucial moments; at some moments, the relationship evolved towards reverse mentoring. Tine is very grateful for the mentors who help(ed) her and wants to create similar experiences for other people. "I believe that if we all would have a mentor network around us, we create better workplaces where everybody thrives and can be at their best."
Our newsletter is about leadership development through business mentoring.