Sophie Lismonde

Sophie Lismonde

  • Industry

    • Consultancy
    • Financial Services & Insurance
    • Automotive
  • Functional expertise domain

    • Strategic Management
    • General Management
    • Business Transformation

Business Mentor profile

Share, Trust, Achieve is the tagline of the company I founded 15 years ago and that's the way I tackle any challenge.

  • With 25+ years of international working experience in various managerial roles, I developed a passion for and a deep understanding of ecosystem design, digital platforms and collaborative leadership.
  • MSc in organizational psychology with an MBA, I value blending different perspectives, looking at problems from different angels. I use my experience as well as new insights in neurosciences, performance and behavioral psychology to boost your professional growth.
  • You can expect an inquisitive, quick, and holistic thinker that will kindly challenge the status quo. I am an inclusive motivator who loves a good challenge, thrives on complexity and diversity.

Unique Sophie

I love catamaran sailing, indoor climbing, scuba diving, weightlifting, beekeeping, learning, reading about diverse topics, and yes, I also enjoy a day at the office.

Life is like water; it flows quickly and slowly. You just need to adapt and enjoy. Whatever you do, don't let the water get stale. Keeping the water flowing for others and myself motivates me daily, professionally and personally.

Almost everyone I meet is a hero. Everyone has a unique story to tell, full of emotions, challenges, and acts of greatness. If I had to choose specific heroes, I would pick people who devote their lives to trying to undo taboos and change the societal status quo.

My motto is Share, Trust, Achieve. It is the tagline of the company I co-founded 15 years ago and how I embrace life.

A combined experience in corporate, consulting, and entrepreneurship taught me to look at challenges from different angles and to be broad-minded, holistic, empathetic versatile, and resilient. As a mentor, I want to pass this knowledge and experience on to others when facing challenges.

At any point in time, I did what I thought was best and was curious about the process. So, I would tell my younger self: "Such is life; savor it. The good, the bad, and the ugly."

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