Jo Notaerts

Jo Notaerts

  • Industry

    • Engineering
    • Utilities
    • Real Estate & Construction
  • Functional expertise domain

    • General Management
    • Change Management
    • Strategic Management

Business Mentor profile

  • 30+ years of experience
  • Experience in managing remote organizations in different cultures
  • Strong people manager
  • Experience with corporate in public and family-owned companies

Unique Jo

Jo is a classically trained engineer, well versed in leading corporate change programs, having learned the trade of change and cultural transformation at GE of Jack Welch himself. At the height of his career, he stops in his tracks. He thought he knew what it was all about but came to realize he could never get people on board without being thoroughly in connection ... with himself. Jo takes a deep and long dive into the abyss that is the Innerself and came out firmly earthed and in tune with himself. "Being connected with the Self is the prerequisite to being able to connect with others," says Jo.

By genuinely connecting with people, daring to ask probing questions, and being critically minded, Jo can spark awareness and help grow latent talent. Mentoring comes naturally to him.

Jo reads a lot. On his nightstand lies 'Material Matters' about circular economies. And he likes to spend time outside: walking, cycling, working in the garden, growing vegetables. Connecting with nature is connecting with himself is connecting with others.

Young Jo Notaerts he'd advise to "Do what you are, and be what you do." One should be not only authentic but also pure.

  • “Jo is very talented in listening and identifying which skills to improve (it's not always easy to identify). He travels along to find root causes of your issues and offers practical advise on how to resolve them based on his authentic experience. This type of mentoring goes way beyond some tips and tricks to resolve some symptoms at the surface of your day to day activities. By listening and questioning me, Jo guided me towards solutions I could co-create, rather than telling me what to do. Jo had a big impact on the development of my personality as a whole. His mentoring is much appreciated.“

    • Chief Product Officer

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