Dries Vandevyvere

Dries Vandevyvere

  • Industry

    • Life Sciences
    • Healthcare
    • ICT
  • Functional expertise domain

    • Project Management
    • IT & Data
    • Digital Transformation

Business Mentor profile

  • 15 years of experience in Life Sciences, Healthcare and ICT
  • Deep project management experience
  • Cross-functional change management experience
  • Active coaching & mentoring experience

Unique Dries

Dries loves cycling, mountain biking, diving, trail running, walking, and far-away traveling. Currently, he's training to become a certified hiking guide. Inspired by Wim Smets' analogy between mountaineers and managers-entrepreneurs, learning to lead a team in difficult natural circumstances will enhance Dries' leadership and people management skills.

Science fiction and Phantasy books captivate Dries, and in the non-fiction department, leadership, management, and agile are the topics he reads most about.

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission," and Einstein's "Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another; it is the only means." are the quotes he lives by.

For young Dries, failure was not an option. Today, he'd tell his younger self, "A good plan today is better than a perfect one tomorrow."

Dries is grateful for having had several mentors at the beginning of his career, i.e., Bart De Ridder, a genuine team player who took his mentorship seriously. As a mentor himself, easily recognizing talent, Dries will go the extra mile to help people grow and get them where they want to be.

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