Why you don't dare to give feedback

Why you don't dare to give feedback

10 October 2022
Gerrit Sarens
Gerrit Sarens
  • The dirty habit you need to master: feedback

  • Getting truthful, honest feedback is a powerful way to improve every area of your business. The gains are exponential if you can learn to accept and give feedback graciously and put it to good use. Here are some reasons why people hold back from giving criticism constructively.

    1. It's easier to avoid than confront. Unaddressed issues can grow bigger and bigger until they become a topic of conversation, which can soon become an open complaint
    2. People feel somebody will punish them. It doesn't matter if you are the company's CEO or an entry-level clerk; when negative feedback is given, it commands attention and doesn't go unnoticed
    3. People don't want to be critical. When negative or critical opinions are raised, it's human nature to want to keep them to ourselves
    4. People are embarrassed and too ashamed to discuss it
    5. People are afraid the criticism will take them by surprise
    6. They don't know how to explain it constructively. The feedback is often so vague or subjective that it's hard to make heads or tails of it
    7. People don't address it right away. They have avoided feedback long enough that it's hard to say how they felt then
    8. People blame others and make excuses. They don't take responsibility for their actions or how they feel stuck
    9. They think they're uncoachable.

    If you want to be solid in your job and fit in the role of a good leader, work hard to learn emotional skills and prepare to face criticism. Then, use that knowledge to become a better leader and mentor.

    🔓 You must take the first step.

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