In the spring of 2020, we had to switch to home working. Undoubtedly this was very stressful for many people, mainly because we had to adapt our habits overnight. It is against nature. Changing habits typically goes slowly.
Fourteen months later, we are used to this new way of working and living. We have all discovered the advantages of not having the pressure of being at the office from 9 to 5 anymore:
Another challenge pops up on the horizon: returning to the workplace, in other words, changing our habits again.
The good thing is that it will be less drastic compared to last year. We can manage our time.
Advice 1:
Start talking about the topic
now. How does your team feel about returning to the workplace? Figure out who can’t wait to go back to the office, and who is less enthusiastic. For the latter group: connect with these people individually and figure out why they are not.
The fact that they like their new habits (see above) has underlying reasons:
Advice 2:
Start working on a clear post-covid policy about office work.
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