Testimonial mentee Cynthia

Testimonial mentee Cynthia

22 February 2021
Gerrit Sarens
Gerrit Sarens
  • The first mentoring experience of Cynthia to help her in her new manager's role

  • Proces management expert Cynthia recently joined a large insurance company as team manager. Together with mentor Natacha, they work on achieving the following goals:

    1. Transitioning from expert to people manager
    2. More focus on strategy and reporting than on operational stuff
    3. Less directive approach, more self-steering of the team
    4. Better work-life balance

    Natacha: How did you experience the entire mentoring process?
    Cynthia: Great.

    Natacha: Oof!
    Cynthia: Well, it was the first time, an excellent experience. It allowed me to give words to a situation and say things that we know are there but cannot conceptualize and get them out. They were addressed, and it helped a lot in those few months to rethink a situation and make resolutions to improve it.

    Natacha: Okay, so verbalization and expressing feelings, yes, we worked a lot on that.
    May I ask you what the ultimate return is of this process?

    Cynthia: The final result will be a nice change. So it is good guidance in the change and a nice toolbox, perhaps.
    Anyway, not maybe, but certainly packs of tools to deal with certain situations that are a bit vague and eventually thin out to give them a guideline again and make it possible to go over it easily.

    Natacha: Okay, thank you!
    Cynthia: Thank you!

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