Recently, we held a Round Table-discussion with several ICT managers about the challenges of today's' ICT leaders.
One of the things that came up was the fear of failure in teams. Not daring to stick your neck out, to make mistakes, to ask for help, to challenge perspectives, and to push back indicate you work in a psychologically unsafe environment.
Much has been said about psychological safety since Amy Edmondson of Harvard resurrected the phrase from its dormant status in scientific psychology research.
Psychological safety has an important relationship with diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
Expert on Diversity & Inclusion, Michèle Mees of Inclusion Now explained at the last Ambits Mentor Board what the phenomenon means.
Google identified psychological safety as the number one thing underpinning the most successful teams at the company. It was not intelligence or creativity or whether members attended elite schools — it was how psychologically safe the team was.
Research by Harvard clearly shows that organizations with a higher level of psychological safety perform better on almost any metric or KPI than organizations with a low psychological safety score.
The most important advantages of a psychologically safe workplace:
Many managers seem not to be aware that running hierarchically and bureaucratically organizations with a command-and-control style is an outdated recipe. Removing trust-destroying and demeaning practices, and establishing a default trust culture is not an easy task.
Ideally, you should evaluate and develop your leadership style in partnership with a mentor.
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