• Fly
          • team management
          • middle management
          • webinar
          • senior management
          • psychological safety

          Creating psychological safety for your team: what’s the recipe?

          • Feeling safe is a basic human need

          • According to Maslow’s hierarchy, feeling safe is one of the five foundational layers if we want to reach our fullest potential. It’s a basic human need. However, team psychological safety – or “the felt permission for candour” is not given in the workplace and can be hindered by various elements: toxic people, toxic leadership, fear of failure, elephants in the room,… Not the easiest to turn around.

            When facing a challenge like that, it often helps to look at it from a completely different angle. The military for example.

            On 24 June, you’re invited to a live event with the enigmatic Special Forces instructor Robert Vliegen, better known as ‘Fly’ from Kamp Waes. The questions he will tackle:

            • What can we learn from primates when it comes to collaboration?
            • How to install psychological safety?
            • How do you give and receive feedback as a leader?
            • How do you handle big egos in your team?
            • Psychological safety ‘Special Forces style’: what’s the recipe?

            The impact of psychological safety is not about ‘feeling good’ or ‘being nice’. It extends far beyond the soft stuff: it substantially contributes to team effectiveness, learning, employee retention, and – most critically – better decisions and better performance of your team and organisation as a whole.

        • Speaker

        • FLY20240110008
          • Rob Vliegen of ‘Fly’ uit Kamp Waes

          • Robert Vliegen better known as Fly from the popular TV programme ‘Kamp Waes’, started his career with the Special Forces in 1991. His career has not only given him insight into the positive and not so positive human characteristics, but has also taught him that you can overcome any problem with the right degree of determination. “No one realises what they are capable of, both in a good and a bad sense, until they are tested and pushed to their limit.”
        • Creating psychological safety for your team: what’s the recipe?

            • 24 June 2024

            • 18:00 - 20:00

            • Rob Vliegen of ‘Fly’ uit Kamp Waes

        • Dutch - Office Center Mechelen - Free
      • AMC selfawareness Steven nologo
        • middle management
        • team management
        • webinar
        • self-leadership
        • self-awareness
        • senior management

        Look in the mirror: how to become more self-aware as a leader?

      • Lead With Purpose
        • webinar
        • self-leadership
        • self-awareness
        • senior management
        • purpose

        Wat Wel Werkt: geef je bedrijf een hoger doel

      • Sucked In The Trenches
        • team management
        • middle management
        • webinar

        Sucked in the trenches at work: how do you master the art of delegating?

      • Manager types

      • Who are you?

    • Ambits offers business mentoring to different audiences. Our mentor community is equipped to help them with their specific leadership challenges. Discover below what Ambits can do for you.

    • Young professional

        • Young professional

          • Kicking-off your career
          • Eager to discover your strengths
          • Find your position in the organization to perform at your best
    • First time manager

        • First time manager

          • Taking up your first leadership role
          • Moving from an operational to a management position
          • Discovering the challenges of people management
    • Middle Manager

        • Middle Manager

          • Positioned between first-line and top management
          • Balancing between managing up and managing down
          • Leveraging the potential of people & teams
    • Top manager

    • Entrepreneur or founder

        • Entrepreneur or founder

          • Starting or scaling up your own company
          • Experiencing growing pains
          • Eager to develop solid leadership to move to the next level