Vivian Sajet

Vivian Sajet

  • Industry

    • Telco
    • HR Services
    • Media, Entertainment & Hospitality
  • Functional expertise domain

    • Marketing & Sales
    • Strategic Management
    • HR Management

Business Mentor profile

23+ years of experience in leading an Executive Search company in a continuously changing market background in M&A and management consulting experienced in advising leaders and managers regarding their organisation design and career development

Strong relationship builder with extensive network, I love to connect people

Proven track record in talent acquisition, organisation design, change management, business development, business planning and out-of-the-box idea generation

My values: going for the long haul, ain't no mountain high enough, open and honest interactions and heart for people. My purpose: contribute to the happiness of others: clients, business partners, candidate, colleagues/team and my personal environment. Advise I would give to my younger self? Be a little more patient, take it easy and enjoy the special moments in life to the fullest.

Why am I a mentor? During my 35+ years of professional development I have learned so much. As a people person I would love to share my knowledge and creative mind with others to make them better in what they do and who they are.

Mentors in my own career? I certainly had a few and am grateful for their advice and for giving me the freedom and opportunity to learn and spread my wings.

Last but not least, family and friends are everything to me. I cherish the good times that I spend with my husband & children, with my larger family and with all the beautiful friends I've been lucky to have come across.

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