The Ambits Code of Conduct: The Compass of the Ambits Mentor

The Ambits Code of Conduct: The Compass of the Ambits Mentor

28 May 2021
Gerrit Sarens
Gerrit Sarens
  • Based on the experience built over the past year, we have written our Ambits Code of Conduct.

    The Ambits Code of Conduct articulates the desired behavior of mentors and mentees and clarifies the standards of professional conduct.

    The Ambits Code of Conduct has eight sections. Let’s have a look at the most important parts.

  • Let's start with the basics: what is mentoring?

  • An Ambits Mentor stimulates on-the-job learning by

    • challenging his mentee,
    • breaking through the barriers impeding personal growth,
    • sharing his knowledge & experience,
    • offering different viewpoints, and
    • providing pragmatic advice

    The ultimate purpose is to improve the mentee’s management and leadership capacities.

    Mentoring is different from coaching and consultancy and is never a results-based commitment.

    Moreover, a mentor is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist.

  • How are the mentoring goals defined?

  • The organization should benefit from the improvement of the mentee’s management and leadership capacities. Therefore, the mentoring objectives are always aligned with team and organizational goals.

  • What are the confidentiality principles?

  • Everything that the mentee shares with his/her Ambits Mentor is confidential. If, for whatever reason, information about the mentee needs to be shared with others, this can only be done upon the approval of the mentee.

  • Conditions for successful mentoring

  • From the mentee’s side, the following conditions need to be fulfilled to make mentoring work:

    The same applies from the mentor’s side:

    • Time commitment
    • Genuine interest to help the mentee grow
    • Empathy
    • Objectivity
    • Competent to help
    • Compliance with the Ambits way of working (process & tools)

    If one or several of these conditions are not fulfilled, the mentee or the mentor can pause or stop the mentoring.

      • Manager types

      • Who are you?

    • Ambits offers business mentoring to different audiences. Our mentor community is equipped to help them with their specific leadership challenges. Discover below what Ambits can do for you.

    • Young professional

        • Young professional

          • Kicking-off your career
          • Eager to discover your strengths
          • Find your position in the organization to perform at your best
    • First time manager

        • First time manager

          • Taking up your first leadership role
          • Moving from an operational to a management position
          • Discovering the challenges of people management
    • Middle Manager

        • Middle Manager

          • Positioned between first-line and top management
          • Balancing between managing up and managing down
          • Leveraging the potential of people & teams
    • Top manager

    • Entrepreneur or founder

        • Entrepreneur or founder

          • Starting or scaling up your own company
          • Experiencing growing pains
          • Eager to develop solid leadership to move to the next level
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