😡 The case of Frances Haugen, who left Facebook, illustrates one of the risks that most companies still completely underestimate: frustrated or angry leavers
When people leave your company, they can be very frustrated because of
👿 Bad leadership
👿 A clash with the company values
👿 A severe disagreement with management
👿 A missed promotion
👿 …
You might think it's perfectly normal that people leave, and that's probably right.
However, make sure they leave without frustration or anger.
🎯 Frustrated or mad ex-employees always spread negative things about your company, which has a destructive impact on your company's reputation.
🎯 They talk to friends, family, and as many people as they can in their network (suppliers, clients, competitors!) to share their perception of reality.
🎯 They try to find as many allies as possible against you.
🎯 This negativity will spread like wildfire and always rebounds as a boomerang.
I know what I am talking about...
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