Anthony Duffeleer became CEO of the Parisian scale-up Augment in mid-2020. Looking at his track record, this is, without doubt, an atypical step in his career. Anthony is anything but the technical expert in this field. On top of that, a major strategic turnaround had to be made in a short period of time to keep the company afloat.
How does one go about this as a leader, knowing that the company is going through turbulent waters?
Anthony prides himself on taking time to get to know the business and the people. This is what we call connective leadership.
Despite the urgency of the strategic changes, he took his time for the above-mentioned necessity. "Reculer pour mieux sauter", as they would say in Paris.
His golden rule? Be careful with the speed at which you approach things and adopt a rhythm that works for everybody.
While listening, you collect a lot of information, but what do you do with it?
Anthony has an unambiguous interpretation of the concept of serving leadership.
We agreed in our conversation that a serving leader who is respectful, who can have difficult conversations, who names things, and who argues decisions, gains credibility.
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