Unique Bart
Social animal Bart spends most of his free time with family and friends, going on trips in Belgium and abroad, or paying visits to friends. Together with his two daughters, Bart is training for his second marathon in Eindhoven. He likes to snowboard, cycle in the mountains, and ride an impressive motorbike.
Books on sociology, leadership, coaching, and self-organizing teams populate his bookshelves.
Everything new is an invitation to try it out. "I've never done it, so I think I can do it" could be the Leitmotif of his archetypal hero, who embodies positivism and hope.
His mottos are 'Carpe diem' and 'Failing forward'. Relativizing and letting go offer new experiences. Never give up; adversity allows growing and learning from it.
To the young Bart, he would advise: look less at others, follow your own gut feeling, believe in yourself, dare to show who you are and what you want, and go for it. Follow your dream!
Bart experienced the richness of having an excellent mentor to illuminate his undiscovered places. After an extensive ICF coaching certification program, he became a mentor himself. Being a mentor is the best job in the world, Bart says. One gets back as much as one gives; each conversation is a learning moment, putting things into perspective. The relationship between mentor and mentee is reciprocal and based on equality, respect, and trust.
A mentor helps people gain self-insight and grow, which allows them to understand and interact with the other better. Doesn't this make the world a better place?
Hello, my name is Bart. I have been active in sales and marketing for more than 25 years, especially in multinationals and large corporates.
I am also a dad of two young daughters and together with my wife, I learn a lot from my daughters.
My motto is actually: 'lifelong learning'. What can I learn from other people and can I let myself grow?
What do I expect from a mentee? Who do I enjoy working with?
I expect that from a mentee.
Do you see yourself fitting into that profile? Be sure to contact me.
Our newsletter is about leadership development through business mentoring.