Bring yourself to work. Leading others without draining yourself.

Bring yourself to work. Leading others without draining yourself.

27 februari 2023
Gerrit Sarens
Gerrit Sarens
  • Many leaders struggle with the constant burden and stress that their job brings. We are ‘always on’, struggling with our organizations' challenges.

    Ambits Mentor Timmie de Pooter found this out for himself during his 15-year tenure as CEO of a recruitment business.

    Despite fast growth and wonderful results, he struggled with his leadership role and energy loss. After a burnout, he turned to a path of personal development and wrote a book about his leadership experiences.

    The book's main theme is that you have to turn inward and take up personal leadership before you can lead others.

  • What are going to learn in this webinar?

  • Timmie will present his book in this webinar and tell us more about his journey. It is a journey that many leaders recognize and can take inspiration from to walk their own path.

    If you recognize that leading a team or organization can be a lonely and difficult job, if you’re looking for tools to take your place as a leader and connect with your team, then this webinar is for you. You will learn the dynamics that are at play within you and your team and how to deal with these dynamics.

    Here are some topics he will discuss in the webinar:

    1. Why is leadership so hard?
    2. What we mean when we talk about leadership
    3. What goes on inside our minds
    4. Tune-in with yourself
    5. Connecting with your colleagues
    6. The team: where the magic happens
    7. The organization: mirror of the world
    8. Embrace the cosmos

    Throughout the webinar, Timmie will give several tips for better leadership.

  • Practicalities

  • When? 28th of March 2023 (12.00 - 13.00) - in English
    Where? Online
    Register via this link

      • Manager types

      • Wie ben jij?

    • Ambits biedt business mentoring aan verschillende doelgroepen. Onze mentorgemeenschap is uitgerust om elk van hen te helpen met hun specifieke leiderschapsuitdagingen. Ontdek hieronder wat Ambits voor jou kan betekenen.

    • Jonge professional

        • Jonge professional

          • De start van jouw carrière
          • In de startblokken om jouw sterke punten te ontdekken
          • Vind jouw positie in de organisatie om optimaal te presteren
    • Eerste keer als manager

        • Eerste keer als manager

          • Jouw eerste leidinggevende functie starten
          • Van een operationele naar een managementfunctie overstappen
          • De uitdagingen van people management ontdekken
    • Middelmanager

        • Middelmanager

          • Gepositioneerd tussen eerstelijns- en topmanagement
          • Balanceren tussen managen omhoog en managen omlaag
          • Het potentieel van mensen en teams benutten
    • Top manager

        • Top manager

          • Leiding geven aan de organisatie
          • Eindverantwoordelijk voor de prestaties van de organisatie
          • Vorm geven aan de toekomst van de organisatie
    • Ondernemer of oprichter

        • Ondernemer of oprichter

          • Jouw eigen bedrijf starten of opschalen
          • Groeipijnen ervaren
          • Gefocust om solide leiderschap te ontwikkelen en naar het volgende niveau te gaan
Ambits Insights

Ambits Insights

Onze nieuwsbrief over leiderschapsontwikkeling door business mentoring.