In 2016, Securex organized a study among employees and employers. The most important thing we remembered from this is that the opinion of Belgian employees was opposed to that of Belgian employers and managers. A few critical numbers:
Based on this result, one would expect better numbers. However, a study by Halleluja in 2021 showed the opposite. It demonstrated that 51,1% of employees are not convinced of the leadership qualities of their manager—a stark contrast to the 62% of employers who are confident that people share their vision.
The two leading causes for this result are as follows:
The above numbers clearly show that executives overestimate themselves. We looked for and found an explanation: the Lake Wobegon Effect, or 'the human tendency to overestimate one's performance and capabilities in relation to others.'. The effect takes its name from the fictional town of 'Lake Wobegon', in the radio series 'A Prairie Home Companion,', where, according to Garrison Keillor, all children are above average.
Experiments and surveys of drivers, CEOs, stock market analysts, university students, and state education officials, among others, have shown that most believe that they possess traits that are better or more desirable than the average.
The effect has been found repeatedly in many studies and is similar and may be related to intra-group bias and wishful thinking.
The study shows managers can focus on three important points to boost employee satisfaction.
Furthermore, as a manager, it is important to actively look for feedback to get a more realistic picture of your managerial capacities. A mentor can be a good sounding board for this.
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