Yves Pollé

Yves Pollé

  • Industry

    • Manufacturing
    • Engineering
    • Consultancy
  • Functional expertise domain

    • General Management
    • Business Transformation
    • Marketing & Sales

Business Mentor profile

  • 35 years of experience in Manufacturing, Engineering & Consultancy
  • Seasoned C-suite manager
  • Track-record in business turnarounds
  • Strong leadership experience in diverse international environments

Unique Yves

When Yves was a toddler, his parents took him along their travels across the world, and Yves has been traveling ever since while settling down in various countries. Having experienced and adapted to various cultures, Yves knows not to be prejudiced but to relativize and contextualize.

Barok and renaissance music brings him peace of mind. Curious by nature, Yves consumes numerous books, history being his favorite topic. The management book 'Corporate Recovery: Managing Companies in Distress' currently lies on his nightstand. Learning languages is another one of his hobbies. Arabic is the latest addition to his polyglotical toolbox.

To young Yves, he'd say: "Be yourself and remain honest without rocking the boat too much." He learned the hard way that diplomacy gets one further than being very direct.

"Ask for forgiveness rather than for permission.” Decisive and man of the action, Yves is not hindered by analysis paralysis or lack of information. On the contrary, he calls himself risk preferent.

He has always spent a lot of time developing people, challenging them, putting them in difficult situations, and supporting them. Not bothered by his ego, approachable, and very open-minded, Yves will enjoy helping people on the path to authentic leadership by passing on his experience.

  • “Yves is a great person with much knowledge and a good approach.“

  • “Big thanks to Yves. He is a nice mentor with a lot of experience, open to sharing any time, giving advice, and listening to his mentee. He pushed me at the right time. I really appreciate working with him. I needed it.“

  • “Yves is intensely involved in the mentorship program, actively listening to rapidly identify the challenges and growing needs of the mentee. He prepares each session thoroughly, sharing feedback with thoughtfulness and tact and offering clear suggestions and guidance. He provided direct, open, and non-judgmental communication, which enabled him to create a relationship of trust rapidly. His analysis and advice were highly on-point, allowing me to notice improvements and build on successes quickly.“

    • Marie
    • Director Marketing
  • “I cannot adequately express my gratitude for Yves' impact on my leadership journey. His expertise, attentive listening, and support have been invaluable to my growth and success. I recommend Yves to anyone seeking guidance in their leadership development endeavors. What truly sets Yves apart is his ability to provide practical tools and strategies that I could implement in my daily struggles as a leader. His depth of knowledge and insights were truly remarkable, and I consistently found his expertise enlightening. Each session with Yves presented an opportunity to gain valuable wisdom and fresh perspectives on leadership. Moreover, Yves demonstrated a genuine interest in my personal journey and the obstacles I faced. He approached each challenge with empathy, compassion, and a steadfast dedication to my success. His unwavering support, encouragement, and belief in my potential have been instrumental in my growth as a leader. This mentorship has been a truly enriching experience, and I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to learn from Yves.“

    • Juan
    • VP Technology

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