Michiel Verschueren

Michiel Verschueren

  • Industry

    • Engineering
    • ICT
    • Telco
    • Financial Services & Insurance
  • Functional expertise domain

    • Products & Services
    • Strategic Management
    • Change Management
    • General Management
    • IT & Data

Business Mentor profile

A seasoned leader with experience in a broad range of industries and markets, specialized in software engineering.

An engineer by education and at heart, getting a kick out of making things and solving problems.

Passionate about people, interactions, organizational design, quality, craftsmanship, and customer focus.

A student of Lean and Agile theory and practice, a Systems Thinker, and a strong believer in Servant Leadership.

Whether in my spare time or on the job, I love to design and make things. Be it by building software, creating my own furniture, or shaping an organization, the engineer in me surfaces in many things I love to do. I enjoy the creative process of playing music, most of all when it's together with my 3 sons.

I thrive when I'm able to help people grow and to enable them to fulfil their potential. There's nothing more rewarding than to realize that I've made a difference for someone, that I've contributed to their evolution and supported them as they became a better version of themselves.

I'm a lifelong learner and I keep exploring, but along the way I've learned things that I like to pass on to others as well. I'm a mentor largely because sharing knowledge is always a learning experience in itself. Looking back, I've often had the privilege of working with and learning from inspiring people, and I strongly aspire to do the same for others.

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