• RPA Implementation

Your ambition: implementing RPA to take over repetitive administrative tasks. You want your employees to have more time for customer facing activities. You want to be available for your customers 24/7/365.

RPA Implementation

Résultats du mentorat


operational efficiency improvement

  • Team embraces RPA
  • Team takes up successfully new roles
  • Job satisfaction increases
  • Targeted cost reductions achieved
  • New RPA implementations are launched
  • Mentees becomes mentor


  • 30 years experience in ICT Services and Consultancy
  • +10 successful IT implementations and digital transformation in diverse corporate environments
  • Bridge builder between people and technology
  • Innovation evangelist
  • Scan

      • Understand the playing field. Connect with company culture and leadership.

        • Fix the objectives and how to measure:
          • Assist managers to get the buy-in from their teams
          • Support managers to deal with the human fear inherent to RPA
          • Help managers to manage the impact of RPA and people’s jobs
  • Test

        • Implements hands-on advice:
          • Communicate effectively on the impact of RPA
          • Empower team members to take up new responsibilities
          • Assist team members in their new roles
        • Implementation support:
          • Start with quick wins
          • Eliminate negatives impacting the current culture
          • Hands-on collaboration and project execution
        • Change course of action if needed:
          • Begin small, fail fast, learn & improve
  • Embed

          • Evaluate impact on the implementation project
          • Consolidate successful practices and culture
          • Reinforce and reward the new behavior

Renforcer le leadership

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